By Scott Vaughan
Communicating “I love you” remains the most powerful message we can share with another human being. I’m not talking about “Love you, mean it,” or “Love you more” or “Love ya.” Nothing replaces the power of looking into another person’s eyes and saying, “I love you.”
My great Aunt Mary (May) was tall and poised. Filterless, stern, and straightforward, when you visited Aunt May you had better have on your best behavior with hair combed and shirt tucked in.
It saddened me to overhear an adult saying, “I have never heard May express her love for another person.”
When I could finally drive, I visited Aunt May to make sure she knew I loved her. The visit was hilariously awkward. Leaving, I said, “I love you, Aunt May. I love what you mean to our family.” Her gaze fixed on mine, and she said, “Thank you.”
For the next six years, I made a mission of telling Aunt May that I loved her and followed it each time with why I loved her.
One afternoon, I dropped by her home with fresh tomatoes from my daddy’s garden and said, “I love you, Aunt May. I look forward to eating tomato pie with you.” She reached out, touched my hand, and said, “I love you, too, sweetie.”
Aunt May told me she loved me for the rest of her life. She and I enjoyed many chocolate shakes at the local Dairy Queen. Aunt May bought me a subscription to Reader’s Digest. She made me a delicious chocolate layer cake for my birthday.
I heard somewhere that the average American receives 4,000 daily messages in various forms. The only message that will change a heart, a spirit, and a life’s trajectory is this one: I love you.
Scott Vaughan is a 32-year resident of Lexington, SC. He is an author and lifelong professional communicator.