Why We ♥Love Our Moms
Trenton, age 7:
She is very kind. My favorite thing about my mommy is her snuggles. Mommy will always love me and care about me and I love her back.
Samuel, Age 8:
I love my mom because she is mine. I love my mom because she helps me with my homework. I also love her because she helps me and my sister get along and lets me play outside. I love her because she is sweet, kind, and takes care of my cat, Max.
Caroline, age 8:
I love my mom because of the things she does for me. For example, this year she convinced my dad that we should go to Universal Studios. I also love her because she gave birth to me and she always makes me do what is right for me. In conclusion, I love my mom.
Sallie, Age 10:
I love my mom because she helps me with my homework. She is really good at homework. I also love my mom because she helps me clean up my toys. Finally, I love my mom because I know I can always count on her to help me.
Traxton, age 12:
My mom is very caring. I really like when she plays with me. My favorite thing about her is that she is very loving.
Mary Beth, age 13:
I love my mom because she cares and supports me in everything. She also sends me funny tik-toks, helps me text the boy of the week, lets me spend all of her money, claims that she’s my best friend, helps me bully my dad and so much more! I love you so much!!
Andrew, Age 16:
I love my mom because she has always been there for me. She is there to hear about my problems and there to help me with any and all of my problems. She is always there to give me unconditional love and support. She has helped me every step of the way and every single day she helps to make me a better person and teaches me how to live correctly. She pushes me to be my best because she wants me to succeed.
Hannah Claire, Age 17
My Mom is absolutely the most selfless person you can come across. She has always put my brother and I before herself making sure we had everything we needed and helping us fulfill our dreams. I know whenever I come to her with a problem, even if she doesn’t have the answer, she will do everything in her power to help me figure it out. Even when I get on her absolute last nerve she is always there for me whenever I need her. She represents unconditional love for me. I love you Mom!
Why We ♥Love Our Dads
Trenton, age 7:
Daddy loves me very much. I love when Daddy takes me to soccer practice and plays soccer with me. Daddy is the best person in the whole entire world.
Samuel, Age 8:
I love my dad because he works hard for us. I love my dad because he lets me climb things. Also, I love my dad because he’s my dad and because he is kind.
Caroline, Age 8:
I love my dad because he’s the coolest parent, a great cook, and the best hunter. He’s a great hunter and fisherman because he caught 3 fish and killed 2 deer. He’s a cool parent because he collects arrowheads. Arrowheads are the spikey things that go on the top of bows and arrows and spears. He’s a good cook because he shot a rabbit and made it into rabbit balls. I love my dad.
Sallie, Age 10:
I love my dad because he works really hard for our family. He works all day for us. I also love my dad because he takes me to fancy restaurants and on cruises too! I also just love him because he’s my dad.
Traxton, age 12:
My dad is really funny. I really like it when he teaches me about cars. It’s really fun to play racing games with him.
Mary Beth, age 13:
I love my dad because he does so much for me. He is always there for me, taught me how to hunt and fish and let’s me bully him all the time.
Andrew, Age 16:
I love my dad because | look up to him and I see him as my role model. He also teaches me to be a better person and a better man. He teaches me many things such as how to build things or use tools, but also how to help others and stay out of trouble. He teaches me many life skills. He also inspires me to provide for others. He is always there for me and has my back and I know if I need advice or help with anything, I can turn to and count on him. That’s why I love my dad.
Hannah Claire, Age 17 :
My Dad and I have a very close relationship, he has always been my person. He is the first person I want to tell exciting news to and the first person I call when something goes wrong. He has always had this deeper understanding of me that no one else has. He pushes me to be the best version of myself and strives to help me achieve a better future than he’s ever had. He would give anything up in order for me to achieve my dreams. My Dad will forever be someone in my life that no one can replace his spot in my heart. I don’t think he will ever really understand the importance he has had in my life and that I will always associate him with being my best friend. I love you Daddy! – Your booger.
We love the diversity and progression of these responses as kids mature. The reasons vary per child but the love is obvious in all the responses. While we recognize that these responses refer to moms and dads, there are so many others that play this role in many children’s lives: be it a step-parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, cousin, sibling, family friend or guardian. I hope each of you feel special and know how much you are truly appreciated. Happy Mother’s and Father’ Day!