By Nate Robbins, Assistant Pastor, Watershed Fellowship.
It sounds strange to even think of asking for such a thing, but is it possible that a bit of humility is what we really need? Some in this day and age have confused humility with having low self-esteem, but that is not what we are after. A better definition coined by C.S. Lewis says, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself; it is thinking of yourself less.” But how do we begin to think about ourselves a bit less?
One way is simply to sit in awe of the world around you. Many of my formative summers were spent hiking in the Adirondacks. I will never forget the feeling of cresting the top of my first high peak. Yes, exhaustion, but it was so worthwhile: stunning cliff faces, crisp, cool breezes, and beauty as far as the eye could see. For a teenager who spent a lot of time thinking about himself, suddenly I felt very small. It’s like the Psalmist says, “When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man, that you are mindful of him?”
Have you stopped to consider the wondrous work of his hands?
By taking the focus off of ourselves for just a moment, the Lord will enable us to see beyond his creation and gaze upon someone truly worthy–his Son. Jesus Christ is someone who can do more than just soothe our bruised egos. He offers peace and rest for our very souls. All are welcome to come to him, for he is gentle and lowly in heart. In him, you will come to say with all your heart, “More humility please!”