Let me say how blessed I feel compared to so many. While my family and I lost power and a tree, we did not suffer any major damage. Hurricane Helene wreaked unexpected havoc; plowing through South Carolina and neighboring states. So many families have been left with a huge amount of loss and devastation. To counteract the sadness and negative media, I would like to share some amazing things I witnessed when the sun rose again the next morning.
I cannot imagine the horrors people in the direct path of the hurricane went through and the struggles that some are still dealing with today. Even though my heart was breaking for the people affected by the storm and their families, it was overflowing when I saw many local businesses set up food stations, offer hot showers, and provide a means for people to launder their clothes. I am so proud to be a part of a community where neighbors come to your aid without having to ask them to, where help is given and received in times of need without any expectations for reimbursement, where homes are opened to those without power and water, and where new friendships are made and old friendships are solidified. In the aftermath of the storm, God’s love was shining on all the debris and chaos, and it was beautiful to see how those in our community united.
Now as the holiday season approaches, I am reminded of my family traditions and how, over the years, things have changed with the births and passings of loved ones but others have remained the same. A few Christmas traditions in my family include: making my late Nanny’s dressing, my late Grandma’s sweet potato casserole, and my Mama’s macaroni and cheese. Have I mentioned that I have some awesome cooks in my family?? Others include oral readings of Luke 2:1-14, the birth of Jesus, on Christmas Eve, enjoying a breakfast casserole and gift opening with my parents on Christmas morning, and then spending Christmas afternoon with Brian’s family, continuing to celebrate with food and family. The recipes are always on point and the time spent with loved ones is invaluable!
What are some of the traditions you and your family enjoy? This holiday season I hope we can stay focused on the positive and be truly grateful for every blessing. I hope you share in family traditions or create new ones. I hope you support local businesses as they support our community. Most of all, I hope you all have a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas and of course, round it all out with a Happy New Year’s celebration fully surrounded by love and laughter!
Hope to see you out and about this holiday season!